Architect fees in Northern Ireland



All buildings should be both beautiful and efficient; efficient in design, efficient in running costs (energy) and efficient in space usage and build costs.
There are 3 typical ways an architect will quote for a project;
• A percentage of the build cost (this is the typical architects approach)
• Lump Sum fee
• Hourly rate
Where possible, we prefer to quote on a lump sum basis; so that you know what our costs will be. We price each job individually, based on the level of service required, the scope of work, the difficulty in brief and site, & budget; ultimately how much time, energy, expertise and level of service you require.

We typically work on projects that range from £100k to £5m.


We provide a range of services, where you are in control of our input, according to your needs. We tailor our service to suit you.

We provide what we call an ‘a la carte’ menu; offering a full service, whereby you choose how much we are involved. We try and be as flexible as we can; ultimately we want to design good architecture.

We can provide a full service; designing a bespoke building, a building designed specifically for you, taking you from inception, through to concept design, getting your statutory approvals of planning and building control; designing through individual spaces in detail. We can then provide key 1:5 details, schedules and guide you through the tender process. We can also be involved on site; inspecting the build as it progresses, helping you make decisions.

We also provide a pared back service; getting the flow, light, space, massing and proportions right.

We also offer a Passive House service; providing you with a thermal model and calculations (Design PH).  This helps us understand the energy usage of the house, allows us to optimise the levels of insulation; and importantly, understand the risk of over heating (& how to mitigate against over heating).


Our initial meeting is usually on zoom; where we talk through your brief in detail. The aim of the meeting is for us to understand your priorities; your likes, wants, needs and must haves; and also for you to understand how we approach your project and how we work. We will show you examples of other projects to help break down your limiting beliefs and expand your thinking. We will ask, seemingly un-architectural questions, in order to understand who you are; your likes and dislikes, how you live, and how you want to live. Where we will help you design a better future, together. We see this process as helping you design how you are going to live though all the stages of your life, creating a healthier happier life.

We highly recommend you start a Pinterest account, with a board for each room and element in your house. Start with rooms, external, and eventually move onto smaller details (door handles, skirting, etc). This helps you to understand your design style, whilst helping you make decisions early.

On instruction, we will meet and walk the site together; chatting through the brief again, as often you will have made subtle shifts since talking to us.

On our next meeting, we will generally have floor plans and a 3D model, along with images and sketches to provoke a discussion and to give you an idea of how we want your house to look and feel. We will walk you through the floor plans, highlighting the points of interest and reasons for doing things; all of which helps break your decision-making into smaller chunks – making it easier to make good decisions.

From here, we take on board your comments, make tweaks, and again, meet to discuss.

When the design is at a stage where we are both happy with it, we suggest getting input from a Quantity Surveyor (QS, or cost consultant). This helps you to prioritise, know if your budget is realistic, and where you can cut costs. We also provide a thermal modelling service at this stage, if you want a check for Passive House standard.

After this, we submit a planning application. During the planning process, we would advise you do your homework. Get your kitchen & bathroom design and supplier locked in. Shop for flooring, tiles, doors, windows, etc. Again, we will advise at the time, guiding you in your journey.

When Planning is approved, we will again meet to discuss the construction of your house – will it be timber frame, concrete block, or another less common construction method? What is the heat source? Are you building to Passive House standard? What are the finishes, etc? We will guide you through this, helping you make decisions.

If desired, we have a detailed design package; designing your spaces and key details at 1:5 scale. This helps make decisions, creates focal areas, hones the design and forms continuity throughout the house. We can also do electrical and lighting layouts; again helping you make decisions, whilst giving contractors more information so they are pricing like for like (the more assumptions made by a contractor, the bigger the price fluctuation on site).

After this, we can tender the build for you, along with your QS.

We can then be involved on site; answering questions from you and the contractor, helping make design decisions, responding to construction queries, and visiting site to inspect the works.


Our design fees are paid in stage payments: breaking down our fees into smaller sums. We never submit your drawings into planning until you are happy with your design.

We always provide a detailed quote of what is included in our package and, just as important, what other costs that you are likely to incur on top of our fees (that you will have to pay no matter who designs your project), like Planning and Building Control fees, external consultants (eg ecologist), so there should be no surprises.


We will provide you with much more than just drawings. We have the imagination to lift your project out of the ordinary and help you achieve your aspirations and vision. We are trained designers who will explore your needs and desires and find creative and practical ways of enhancing your project. We have experience working on luxurious projects; projects with challenging budgets, on difficult sites; using innovative solutions to create beautiful buildings, the experience to oversee the design, assist with the approvals process and see your project successfully through to completion.


If you would like a quote from us, head over to our contact form, and we will be in touch. We create a fee quotation tailored to you. Our fees for a new build (pared back service) typically starts from £10-15k to Building Control approval / General Arrangement drawings.