Featured in the Sunday Times, Ireland, journalist Grainne Rothery interviews architect Roisin McCann.  Roisin discusses all things design: what makes timeless design, things to consider when designing your own home – for now and for the future.

“I like to come at it from the flow and light and usage of space rather than what it looks like,” Roisin says. “Then, when you start thinking about the aesthetic, it’s about picking what you love now. And if you love it now, chances are you will continue to love it and it can be adapted as you move through your life.

Roisin states: “Ideally it should be iconic and unique but not prominent.  It should be innovative, especially when it comes to the environment and sustainability issues. It should highlight the important aspects of the site; internally, play with light, creating light and shadows, connect the occupants to the biodiversity of the site, taking advantage of the beautiful country that we live in.”

“But, most important for me, is that it should be elegant and refined, with attention to detail and beautiful proportions.”

To read the article in full:

The architects guide to designing your new build home